Stable to the right of the house to make a quick getaway out of the map.Battery Pack lightning rods at the top since nothing, no buildings or farming spot, can be placed there and look good.The Sheds are to the top left because my greenhouse currently has 116 ancient fruits which is enough for two sheds filled with barrels, and the two others are filled with crystalariums for diamonds.Here’s my old map that I made after 1.1 came out: Any thoughts on the idea of putting my main storage area CENTRAL to my map, instead of next to the house? To cut down the time it takes going back and forth between storage and the various producers.Why did he leave SO MUCH space (three tiles instead of one or two) surrounding his main crop fields? And will those scarecrows get in the way of his horse, or can he squeeze through around them?.processing facilities right outside (and near the Greenhouse which you visit often in any case). Barns and coops share a common grass paddock, with dedicated storage and dairy/egg/etc.Nice large area for storage and mechanical – Although do you really need that many furnaces? Would it be more space-efficient to put them in a barn or would that obfuscate their progress too much or slow you down by always needing to enter/exit building?.putting a floor tile under your sprinklers)įinally, I like several things from Dry Monkey’s map (img 2) – (planner here). Are there any good sites/threads where folks have posted their layouts and the community critiques them? Any techniques I should definitely not miss? (e.g.Which ones do you tend to use most / least? In general which buildings should I try to keep close to my house vs.I gather the stable can no longer be attached directly adjacent to the house, unless you savegame-edit). right side of your house? (I imagine on the right gets you into town slightly faster, but on the left gets you around your farm and to the south/west portions of the map more quickly.

Why are everyone’s east-west paths two tiles wide? I thought the two-tile requirement for your horse only applies to north-south paths, so why is everyone “wasting space” with the extra row? (Purely cosmetic, or does it make it more convenient to mount/dismount or something?).I checked out several designs on the planner to try and educate myself, and have some questions: Put fruit trees far away as they can accumulate three days of fruit before needing tending.Hold back one Barn or Coop from being fully upgraded to Deluxe, otherwise, you won’t be able to remove hay from your Autofeeders.Use Barns for storage as they’re bigger on the inside than outside (but if filling with things like Kegs, keep one keg outside and fill it last to use as an indicator for when the ones inside are done).You won’t need to interact with your Silos very often, so put them out of the way e.g.Put Beehives next to Flowers to improve Honey quality.Animals need tending often, so put Barns and Coops along your regular travel routes.